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E. Singaporean, female.
20 and enjoys reading & crazing.
YA paranormal, fantasy, dystopian, sci-fi, supernatural-romance/mystery.
Wings Series is the LUV.

On the read
If I Should Die by Amy Plum.
Upcoming reads
Insurgent by Veronica Roth.
The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg.
Ripple by Mandy Hubbard.
One Day More (LAT Novella) by Aprilynne Pike.
Dead Silence by Kimberly Derting.
Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike.
Beautiful Darkness by Kami, G & Magaret, S.
Elegy by Tara Hudson.
Infinityglass by Myra McEntire.
Tormenting Lila (Short) by Sarah Alderson.
Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike.
What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen.
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen.

Aprilynne Pike Sarah Dessen Myra McEntire Stephanie Bond Amy Plum Tara Hudson S.C. Ransom Kimberly Derting Sarah Alderson Becca Fitzpat

Favourite Books
Wings Series by Aprilynne Pike.

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen.

Revenants (Die for Me) series by Amy Plum.

Hourglass series by Myra McEntire.

Hereafter Trilogy by Tara Hudson.

Lila Series by Sarah Alderson.

Hush, hush Saga by Becca Fitzpatrick.

Body Movers Series by Stephanie Bond.

Small Blue Thing Trilogy by S.C. Ransom.

Body Finder Series by Kimberly Derting.

Caster Chronicles (Beautiful Creatures) by Kami Garcia & Margaret Sothl.

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins.

Divergent Series by Veronica Roth.

City Of Ember Series by Jeanne DuPrau.

Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer.

What I've been reading and doing since September...
"I gave up something I wanted for something I need. And I need you, Angel. More than I think you'll ever know. You made me remember who I used to be. I'm yours, if you'll have me."

Wow. It's been a good long 3 months that I haven't book blogged. Where do I even begin?

The last time I book blogged was during the tougher times and the day internship starts. Since then, I've been really busy thanks to the workload and hence causing a downwards falling reading curve for me. Too tired to read. But I've completed 3 books since then, all from the International Best-selling HUSH, HUSH Saga - Hush, Hush; Crescendo; Silence. Now heading into the final fates of Patch and Nora, in the last book FINALE.

My thoughts of the saga so far are pretty simple. Fabulous. Brilliant. Breathtaking. Nerves-wrecking. Heart-wrenching. Touching. And many many more. I have a lot I have to commend for Becca Fitzpatrick with what I've read so far. But I shall keep this short, as I can.

The books tell the story of Nora, a supposedly ordinary girl, meeting Patch the fallen angel - which changes well, 99.99999% of her entire life. A brief summary about the plot so far throughout the 3 books without any major spoiler, is that its brilliantly played out. Every little detail since book 1 was so carefully linked to further chapters and book 2 and book 3. You wouldn't want to miss a thing because everything is important. The linkage is so well-done, and I kept getting shocked and taken off guard by the many plot twists Becca thrown in right from book 1. Seriously, the plot won me over with all the unpredictable and unexpected plot twists. While it contains the usual type of a pair of lovey-dovey (ultra sweet) unusual lovers fighting off villains opposing them, this plot has its fresh-take. It was unlike any that I have read, hence leaving me a refreshing impression. And to note, it was my first fallen angel book. Which also probably explains part of it :)

Moving on to the characters... OOOO How I love to talk about characters, because I simple always love them. For the limit on my words, I shall only talk about Nora and Patch.

Nora, our heroine. You don't see her progressing into a heroine, but you see her as a heroine right from the start. She was brave, courageous, daring, right from book 1, and you just see these amazing traits constantly appearing and making her shine through the 3 books so far. I love the courageous her. Whilst she definitely have her fears and doubts in her relationship with and about Patch, she was always able to bring herself to face almost anything. And I adored Nora for that.

AND PATCH. Tell me now, who doesn't love Patch?!!?! If I were to give the character a thought, he was an imperfect guy. He's a fallen, he used to control nephils, did evil stuffs throughout all those long years before he met Nora... dark... dangerous. He wasn't a character/personality to like at all. But Becca did it. The way Becca narrated and wrote Patch in view of the story makes us love him MUCH MUCH more than we should given his background and personality. I am able to feel from Nora's point of view when Becca narrates from Nora in a first-person approach, which probably explains why I would feel like I'm falling for Patch the same way Nora does. Despite all his flaws, when it comes to Nora, Patch showed us the affectionate, caring and loving, soft - a whole new different sight. He was able to do anything just for her, and I admire that. A fallen angel who could feel nothing physically, giving up a human body, a chance to be a human, all just for her. What else to say for this man?

Patch and Nora's relationship were so full of ups and downs through the 3 books. Together, separated, together, separated... That was always happening. It was heartwrenching to see the two perfectly made for one another characters having to go through all this. But how better to witness the love?

Becca has illustrated their respective characters/personalities and their relationship so well that readers like me felt like we are riding with them this whole time... And with those level of plot twists?!?! So breathtaking, probably safe to standby an oxygen tank. ;)

Shall conclude on a whole basis after I'm done with FINALE. Ohmypatch, I'm so naggy, as usual.

P.S/ HUSH, HUSH SAGA movie rights has been purchased! And darn, I knew it! International best seller, fallen angels... patch... nora... Why shouldn't it be?! I've been just waiting for this moment. SO EXCITED! It's gonna be a long wait but just patiently waiting for the day for the production to begin... and everything!


DATE:Thursday 6 December 2012 TIME:{00:25} COMMENTS:

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